A clandestine worldwide intelligence agency is recruiting you.
Our agency needs your help to protect people from
mind control. A shadowy research firm has already brainwashed over 20% of the world population, cueing them to act against their will.
This must be stopped!
You've been enlisted to execute Operation Manhattan.
Time is running out! Are you ready to step up and save the day?
Game Variants:
From 2 to 2,000 players
Fun for all ages and interests, including families, kids, city explorers, tourists, couples, fantasy fans, fun tours, educational tours, wine tours, birthday parties, and bachelor parties.

Mystique Portal

Long ago, mystique portals were made between our world and a fantastic parallel world.
Portal guardians keep the gates well secured, but now evil creatures are streaming into our world because a portal guard was put into a magical sleep.
Solve puzzles, collect crystals, and adventure through enchanted places to save our world from destruction by re-sealing the Magic Portal.
Game Variants:
From 2 to 2,000 players
Fun for all ages and interests, including families, kids, city explorers, tourists, couples, fantasy fans, fun tours, educational tours, wine tours, birthday parties, and bachelor parties.